Our Mission

Over 7 million people live in poverty and extreme poverty in Haiti; Haiti has an estimated population of 11,403,000. That means over 60% of its population live on less than $2 a day. The majority live in rural areas and spend hours selling on the streets to provide for themselves and their family. On top of that, fewer than 20 percent have access to clean water in the rural areas of Haiti. Unclean water can lead to diseases that can be fatal without access to healthcare. To our Christian belief, everyone should have access to clean water and that it is our responsibility to help and advocate for the ones in need.  

The poverty crisis is big, but it can be solved. Our team has worked with local community members to help us provide aid for the poor. We have built and repaired over 3 homes, sent 54 to school, and distributed over hundreds of meals

We encourage you to join us in this battle to not only decrease the poverty percentage in Haiti, but to help the ones that need it the most. Be a part of our team and make an impact. With just one click of a button, you can donate and bring one person a fresh meal.